How to Improve Brain Health With Ginkgo Biloba

How to Improve Brain Health With Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is thought to improve brain health due to its positive effects on the circulation system. In theory, ginkgo biloba enhances blood circulation to the brain, and this, in turn, delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to the brain for optimal functionality. The brain needs a healthy blood flow supply for optimal brain health. Read on to learn how to improve brain health with gingko biloba.


Stabilize your brain cell membranes by taking a preventative dose of ginkgo biloba. It acts as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals, which are linked to premature aging.


Enhance your memory and mental acuity with ginkgo biloba. Sixty-one study subjects who participated in a 30-day randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical were given neuropsychological tests before and after receiving treatment, and the subjects showed significant improvements in the speed by which they processed the information on the tests after taking ginkgo biloba extract.


Stomp out Alzheimer's disease and other forms of cognitive decline with a healthy dose of ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo has been linked to alleviating the symptoms of Alzheimer's and therefore is a healthy supplement for senior citizens to include in their daily regimens.


Banish depression with ginkgo biloba. Study evidence shows that taking a dose of ginkgo biloba extract helps elevate mood swings and reduce symptoms of depression.


Amp up your healthy sexual desires with ginkgo biloba. In patients who were currently taking antidepressants-specifically, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors-ginkgo was found to be 84 percent effective in an open trial for treating impotence and sexual dysfunction.

Tips & Warnings

Due to its slow-acting nature, it may take anywhere from four to eight weeks before you notice the benefits of ginkgo biloba.

Since ginkgo biloba helps thin the blood to improve circulation, do not use if you are already taking any blood thinning medications.

Always consult your doctor before taking any herbal remedies.

How to Harvest and Store Valerian Roots

How to Harvest and Store Valerian Roots

Valerian is an herbal remedy used as a mild sedative for treatment of sleep disorders, restlessness and anxiety. You can grow Valerian in your garden and enjoy the sweet smell of the blossoms until it is time to harvest the roots. Here is how to gather, clean, dry and store Valerian root for medicinal use.

Things You'll Need:


Spading fork

Pressure hose or rotary root washer



Cut off the Valerian stalks at ground level with a scythe when ready to harvest. The best time is between August and September, preferably in the second year of growth.


Dig up the Valerian roots, also called rhizomes, with a spading fork. Place the harvested roots in the shade while you work.


Shake the roots to remove excess soil.


Wash the roots with a pressure hose or rotary root washer to remove all soil and stones that may be lodged in the crown. Use cool water--heat can damage the cells that contain the plant's essential oil.


Chop the roots into equal small pieces to ensure uniform drying.


Preserve the essential oils in the roots by drying them at room temperature in a shady spot in your home or barn for 10 days. Shade drying, low temperature vacuum drying and freeze drying are also good methods. Take care not to allow the temperature while drying to exceed 50 degrees Celsius, as it can cause a significant decrease in essential oil content.


Store the Valerian root in tightly sealed containers where they will be protected from heat, light, air and moisture. You can use plastic bags, light-proof sacks, glass canisters or drums.

How to Grow St. John's Wort

How to Grow St. John's Wort

Sometimes called "herbal Prozac," St. John's Wort is mostly used to relieve depression and anxiety. Originating in Europe and Asia, this perennial is now so widespread many farmers think of it as a weed to be eradicated because when their cattle eat it, they become "sun sensitive." Due to its ease of cultivation and medicinal value, many herbalists like to grow St. John's Wort.


Grow St. John's Wort in a home
herb garden
or outdoors after the threat of frost has passed. This plant prefers well-drained sandy or clay soils. It grows well in full to partial sun, tolerates some shade and likes to stay moist.


Plant St. John's Wort by seed in the spring or go out in the wild, get some cuttings and transplant them about one foot apart. Seeds can take up to three months to germinate, so leave some to reseed every year. Rootlets are easier, although they can take more than one season to become established. Transplant seedlings when they're about two inches tall.


Watch for flowers. They will be bushy, yellow and bloom in July and August, although not until the second year. They are pollinated by bees and flies. When in bloom, St. John's Wort smells like turpentine and shouldn't be handled without gloves. The plant can grow into 2-5 feet shrubs if left untrimmed.


Harvest St. John's Wort by cutting off the top 1/3 part of the plant in July. Allow some to go to seed. In September, move the plants to the garden, about 8 inches apart. They'll survive the winter if covered with some brush or straw.


Store by drying the leaves and flowers indoors in a cool, dry place. You can bundle the leaves and hang them upside down to dry. These are the parts used medicinally and are what gives St. John's Wort its commercial value to be used as tinctures, ointments and teas.

Tips & Warnings

St. John's Wort seeds will germinate better if you soak them overnight, mix them with sand and put in your refrigerator for about 10 days. This way, you can start them indoors early or just plant them by scattering on the ground.

It's important to plant St. John's Wort where it will not be invasive to another person's property because it will spread rapidly.

Consult a physician before using St. John's Wort. It can interfere with a variety of prescription medications.

How to Grow Goldenseal

How to Grow Goldenseal

Native American Indians once used goldenseal as yellow dye, a cure for upset stomachs, wounds, whooping cough and pneumonia. This perennial flower is a member of the buttercup family and is most commonly used today for bleeding gums and to help ease eczema. Organized studies have shown it successfully fights E. coli. It's not easy to grow goldenseal from seed, but well-cultivated roots prove helpful to keep on hand.


Search for a planting area with well-drained soil, preferably under a shade canopy of
like walnut, oak or sycamore. Preferring 60-75 percent shade, Goldenseal likes humus-rich soil, without sand or clay. It will not grow in areas with high heat or humidity.


Plant live goldenseal rootlets during dormancy, sometime in October. Divide them into small pieces and plant them about 8 inches apart in a row.


Stay busy doing other things while you wait for your goldenseal to bloom. Flowers appear two years after planting, in April and May, and have three small light green sepals and no petals. Goldenseal's fruit ripens in July, looks like raspberries, contains two black shiny seeds and is not edible.


Harvest roots and the underground stems in the fall 3 or 4 years after planting. The roots and stems are used for medicinal purposes and are what gives goldenseal its commercial value for use as a gargle, skin wash, tincture or syrup.


Protect harvested goldenseal roots from moisture and light. Roots will be bright yellow and gnarled, from Вј inch to Вѕ inch thick. Use them within three years.

Tips & Warnings

If you struggle with athlete's foot or other problems with the tootsies and do not have diabetes, try a commercial foot soap containing goldenseal root.

Consult a physician before using goldenseal. Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure, glaucoma, diabetes or heart disease should never use goldenseal.

How to Grow Ginseng

How to Grow Ginseng

While the perennial herb ginseng is probably most famous as a Chinese remedy for stress, the Native American Indians first used it medicinally. The Seminoles rubbed the "Love Medicine" on their bodies and clothing in hopes of bringing back a divorced wife. It has been said ginseng will add a decade of years to a human life which explains why "digging sang" has been so profitable for generations of herbalists.


Find a nice cool, shady spot, like a forest, for the seeds or use an outdoor greenhouse. Ginseng does not like full sunlight and needs about 80 percent shade to thrive. It does require good drainage.


Plant stratified seeds Вј to ВЅ inch deep, 4 to 6 inches apart. Place throughout the woods from fall to mid-winter, cover with dirt, then add about 1 inch of mulch to keep in moisture and leave them through their first winter. The ginseng will sprout in spring at which time you can replant them into a more permanent position.


Exercise patience. If you plant ginseng seeds (or roots) every year for about six years, you'll have mature plants and a harvest every year. Ginseng grows in the wild about a foot tall and light green flowers appear in June and July. It ripens in the fall with red berries and each berry has two seeds. These seeds may be kept damp in sand for up to one year, then replanted or sold.


Harvest the plants in the fall, gathering after the berries or seeds have fallen away. The root is thick, fleshy and yellow/white, about three or four inches long, has an unusual odor and a slightly spice taste. It takes six to eight years for ginseng roots to grow large enough to harvest. Wash the whole root, but leave a bit of dirt around its root rings to increase its value since it's the root that's used for medicinal purposes and what gives the ginseng its commercial value.


Store cleaned ginseng roots on flat wood or a screen rack and dry in the shade, never directly in sunlight. Depending on the size of the root, drying should take between a couple of days to a month. Store the dried roots in a dry, rodent-free spot until ready to sell or use yourself as a tea, tonic, bath additive or nutritional supplement sprinkled onto foods.

Tips & Warnings

"Stratified" means the seeds have been through a cold treatment which can be as simple as mixing the seeds with moist sand in the fall and storing them over winter in your refrigerator until you can plant them in the spring. These days, some stores sell pre-stratified seeds which can be planted as soon as you receive them.

Consult a physician before using ginseng. Using for more than three months can cause sleep disturbances or anxiety.

If you are planning to produce ginseng commercially, be sure to obtain any necessary permits or licenses required in your state to grow and sell it.

How to Shop Like Jessica Biel

How to Shop Like Jessica Biel

Actress Jessica Biel rose to fame with her role as Mary Camden on the show "7th Heaven." Now a bankable film star, this girl from a small town in Minnesota attends all the glamorous Hollywood parties and wears clothes from the hottest designers. If you love Jessica's fashion sense and want to add a little bit of her style to your wardrobe, here is how to shop like Jessica Biel.

Things You'll Need:

Skinny jeans

Black wool coats by Mackage or Lauren Moffat

Formal dresses

Oversized designer handbags


Buy your jeans from Paper Denim and Cloth, William Rast or True Religion. Jessica Biel wears the skinny jean in a darker wash from all three of these companies.


Get a cold-weather coat like Jessica. She loves black wool coats from Lauren Moffat and the Eddie short wool Fallie Coat by Mackage.


Shop like Jessica Biel for formal wear. Jessica Biel likes to wear dresses to Hollywood parties and events. She wears all the high-end designers like Chloe, Versace, Oscar de la Renta, Stella McCartney and Dolce & Gabbana.


Stock up on oversized handbags. Jessica is always seen hauling around an oversized bag, like her Gryson Woven Olivia bag in black, Carrie Valentine Relaxed Chic bag, the Prada Gauffre and her Paddington bag by Chloe.


Look for casual shoes like Jessica Biel's. When she is traveling or otherwise on the go, she is usually seen in a pair of


tennis shoes, but she also likes Urban Outfitters Promenade suede boots and the Stella boots by Twenty Two shoes.


Purchase tops like the Ami hooded tunic by Lilly McNeal, the Magnolia peasant top by Ella Moss or a short-sleeved deep V-neck by LnA clothing.

Tips & Warnings

Go for the straight cut jean if you don't like the skinny cut. Jessica Biel wears straight cut jeans sometimes as well. Look for this cut in her favorite brands mentioned in Step 1.

Always try to shop like Jessica Biel by buying one or two items at a time. It's easy to shop like Jessica Biel when you have a budget like hers. If you don't, then buy one or two items at a time so you don't go broke.

How to Shop Like a Pro

How to Shop Like a Pro

Shopping is a finite


that can be easily mastered by implementing and practicing a few basic rules of the trade. Follow these simple steps and soon you'll be shopping with ease like a pro.


When shopping, go with an open mind. Don't stress out so much by thinking you need to buy an entire outfit head to toe - it's all about pieces.


Rely on the fact that your taste is consistent and that will often help influence your purchasing choice. It's smart to buy separate pieces that will go with other items in your wardrobe. Trust your taste.


Like building up any collection, be it a music collection or clothing, you don't need to buy a ton of things all at once, just one thing at a time. It's smart to edit your selections so as not to over spend unnecessarily as you build up your wardrobe, one piece at a time


Search through the racks quickly but thoroughly until you come across items that you like and put them in the dressing room to try on. Keep sifting through all the racks picking out all the things you like to try on.


Once you've canvassed the entire store and tried on all your picks, then it's time to edit. Keep in mind, it's not about the entire head-to-toe outfit, but stand out items that really knock your sox off - and which also fit well.


Search for sale items but don't get taken in simply because something is on sale and you're not crazy about it. Remember: Less is more sometimes!


Follow these simple steps and over time, you'll have a great working wardrobe that you'll be happy with and one that didn't stress you out in acquiring.

How to Shop in Denver

How to Shop in Denver

Shopping in the Mile High City of Denver, Colorado, sure can be a rush. Indulge in a little retail therapy and read on to learn how to shop in Denver.

Things You'll Need:




With Anthropologie, Burberry, Juicy Couture, Louis Vuitton,


, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Tiffany & Co. and more, Denver's Cherry Creek Shopping Center is a shopper's dream. The surrounding Cherry Creek Shopping District features 500 stores, galleries and eateries.


Stretching for a little more than a mile, downtown Denver's 16th Street Mall provides shopping for those who prefer to walk or ride the free shuttle bus. Victoria's Secret, Forever 21, PacSun, Ross, T.J. Maxx, Barnes & Noble and Tattered Cover are a few of the stores that pepper the shopping and dining strip. The Denver Pavilions, at downtown Denver's 16th Street Mall Glenarm, is the city's newest outdoor addition to shopping.


Located in Lakewood, in Denver's West Metro area, Colorado Mills mall offers stores in all price ranges, from Perry Ellis to a Super Target, with Aeropostale, Tommy Hilfiger, Build-a-Bear Workshop, Nautica, Gap Outlet and Ann Taylor in between.


In Denver's suburb of Broomfield, Flatiron Crossing features a mix of outdoor and indoor shopping with stores and shops including


Republic, Bebe, Crate & Barrel, Dick's Sporting Goods, Macy's, Nordstrom and Williams-Sonoma.

Tips & Warnings

While shopping, make sure to refuel at the numerous restaurants, cafes and brewpub choices offered in and around Denver.

Look to the west where the Rocky Mountains provide a beautiful backdrop to the Mile High City.

How to Shop in a Jewelry Store

How to Shop in a Jewelry Store



can be a daunting, anxiety-inducing task. It requires significant consideration of your desired type of jewelry, finish and gemstone as well as budget. Once you have done your research, made these preliminary determinations and identified a reputable jewelry store, here is how to behave like a fearless consumer.


Examine jewelry made of gold, silver and platinum for appropriate quality markings. The requirement and significance of quality markings will vary between countries. In the U.S., the purity of gold is measured in karats (K) or (KT). Gold jewelry is not required to be marked and can range from 10K (42 percent gold) to 24K (100 percent gold). Silver stamped "sterling" or ".925" (92.5 percent silver) meets the U.S. government standards for solid silver. Platinum is marked "Pt" or "Plat" and can range from 500 (50 percent platinum) to 1000 (100 percent platinum).


Discover whether gemstones and pearls are imitations, laboratory-created/cultured or of natural origin. Also ask whether gemstones and pearls have been chemically-treated and will require on-going special care. It can be extremely difficult for a novice eye to tell the difference, but an ethical jeweler will willingly disclose this information.


Check the cut, clarity, color and carat (weight) of gemstones as these elements influence their value. U.S. jewelers utilize the grading system of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Very valuable gemstones should be accompanied by GIA or a similarly expert organization's documentation. Do not be afraid to ask questions to fully understand the grading system and its use in price determination.


Ask for the store's refund and return policy before purchasing jewelry. It should give you reasonable time and accommodation. Paying with a major credit card will also provide you recourse should problems arise.


Tell the jeweler to write all important information conveyed during the transaction on the receipt. A grading report from a gemological laboratory may also serve as documentation of a gem's weight, size and other such assertions by the jeweler.


Attempt to resolve any problems with the jewelry store. If you are dissatisfied with the jeweler's response, contact the local Better Business Bureau or another consumer protection agency.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid buying "blood diamonds" and other gemstones that are mined to finance conflicts in Africa and other regions. Ask to see whether there is a written guarantee on the invoice that comes with gemstones. There is an international humanitarian effort to ensure the mining industry respects human rights and the environment.